Category Archives: Newborn

Miss R ~ Newborn Session

Miss R decided to join her mum, dad and brother a little bit early than expected and therefore we did not get to do any maternity photos 😦

But the cute little Miss R made up for it and we got lots and lots of photos from her newborn session.

Master S ~ Newborn Session

Master S’s family have had a rough start to the year with their house being inudated with flood waters in January.  So the arrival of Master S was a welcomed event compared to the start of the year.

Master S was a gem and fell asleep in my arms.  Big brother Master R wanted to be in on the photos too!

Master P ~ Newborn Session

You may remember the W Family from about a month ago.  Master P made a bit of a late entrance into the world, but I guess he was just waiting for the right time.

Miss A ~ Newborn Session

I met Estelle a couple of weeks ago for her Maternity Session.  Miss A finally decided to arrive and I got to meet her when she was only three days old 🙂

I love babies feet.


Miss A getting a cuddle from her Daddy.


This would have to be one of my favourite photos at the moment.

Miss M ~ Newborn Session

The gorgeous Miss M was only 8 days old.  She gave me lots of smiles and was quite happy to be rudie nudie for some of the photos 🙂

Master B for Beautiful ~ Newborn Session

On a beautiful day at the beginning of the month, I met Master B, the first born of M & B (see Maternity Session here).  Master B pee’d twice on my blankets, but we ended up with some great photos.

Miss M and Master B ~ Twin Newborn Session

I had the absolute pleasure to photograph my first set of newborn twins.  Miss M and Master B made it all the way to 38 weeks before entering the world.  I met them when they were only 10 days old and they were just gorgeous.  Here are a few photos from the session.

Miss I ~ Newborn Session

I met Miss I when she was only ten weeks old.  Miss I was a treasure, she was happy, and at the end she was sleepy 🙂

It was a pleasure to take these photos of such a gorgeous little girl.

Miss A ~ Newborn Session

Do you remember Renee who was 37 weeks pregnant?  Well just 3 days after we did the Maternity Session, Miss A decided she wanted to join us all.

Miss A was such a delight and once she was asleep it was hard to wake her up, which means lots of different new poses!

Little Miss S – Newborn Session

Little Miss S was a treasure when I came for a visit last week.  She was patient and quiet while her mum and I moved her around, changed the props.  Only declaring she was unhappy when she was hungry or needed a nappy change!

I think these last two of Miss S are my favourite.

Here is one of big brother Master R 🙂